The following CRCA Members have put their names forward for election to the CRCA Board of Directors. Candidates were invited to submit a biography and photo to share with the Membership. Click on each name to view their biography (if one was submitted).
CONROY, W. George
I have been very involved in and around the CRCA building for over 15 years.
- I started renting ice from the CRCA for Conroy Hockey 15 years ago, this would be my 16th year.
- I redeveloped the Baseball program with Vicki Klinger some 14 years ago.
- I developed and taught a Floor Hockey Program for CRCA for 6 years.
I have a Business Degree and have been building new businesses since 1990. During these times I have:
- Hired and fired staff.
- Developed and managed budgets.
- Developed Training Programs and integrated and developed new technologies.
- Written Business Plans, Marketing Plans, developed strategic partnerships and managed multi million-dollar companies that I built.
- I know Accounting via Quickbooks and have written many contracts.
- I have done what ever is required as a small business owner.
My involvement with Arenas spans 45 years including managing an Arena in the past.
I have taught hockey and floor hockey to thousands in and around Chestermere and I served on the CRCA Board in the past.
I have a passion and an interest in the future of the CRCA.
DECK, Cyndi
Hi, My name is Cyndi Deck. My husband and I built a house in Chestermere in 2003 and have loved living here ever since. We have two teenage daughters who previously played their minor hockey in Chestermere and we all used the Rec Centre extensively. Our girls now play AAA and AA in Okotoks. I previously sat on the board from 2014 until December 2019. I stepped down as I wasn’t sure what my time commitment would be with my kids playing hockey in Okotoks and the amount of time we’d be travelling to and from. I have found out that I really have a ton of extra time as their program is academy style and happens during the day. I feel pretty passionately that good things have been and can happen with the Rec Centre here and enjoy giving back to my community.
When I was on the board in the past I was Part of the executive board as the secretary. I organized and ran the last two casinos that Typically raised over $70,000 for the CRCA every 2 years.
In my time with the CRCA board I had signing privileges and helped to meet yearly budget expectations along with other board members.
I also Worked with the CRCA during the roof remediation as well as have helped the board build positive relationships with many of the user groups such as the whitecappers, ag society and CMHA. I was also on the committee to hire the current GM. I bring a ton of experience to this board.
FROM, Derek
Derek From has lived with his family in Chestermere for over 10 years. He and his family have been CRCA members for most of that time. Over the years, his children have participated in sportball, gymnastics, minor hockey, baseball, floor hockey, summer camps and many other programs offered by the CRCA. Derek has helped coach CMHA minor hockey teams and is a regular attendee of adult shinny whenever it is possible.
Derek is a lawyer practicing constitutional and civil litigation. He joined the CRCA board four years ago at the request of outgoing board members. Over the time that he has been on the board, Derek has seen the CRCA successfully continue to grow and adapt to the needs of the Chestermere community and the needs of the CRCA.
Derek is seeking a third term as a board member, both to provide stability and institutional knowledge to the board, but also to assist with CRCA membership with navigating what seems to be a very exciting future for rec in Chestermere.
Hi there, my name is Richard Grier.
I have lived in this community for 16 years and decided I want to become a part of a change. I am very excited about Chestermere becoming a community that my girls want to continue to grow up in and raise their families.
I have two children who have been/are involved in activities, keeping it local, such as Tae Kwon Do, Go Girl, Dances, Skating, Chestermere Playschool….
Like my father, he was involved in communities and left a mark everywhere we lived.
My wife and I have always been there to help people when we can, giving mostly our time, from being Lions Club members to cleaning the Playschool to Childcare to selling Girl Guide Cookies (I am also known as the Cookie Monster)
I am on Permanent Disability, giving me the ability to devote a lot of time to the CRCA. I have 18 years’ experience working for Canada Safeway and was on the Union executive boards for locals, UFCW373a and UFCW401.
It’s no secret, I am a supporter of Jeff Colvin and Council. I strongly believe that the vision they are presenting is something that our community desperately needs and can achieve. We can do this with the support of the community and CRCA.
I will help push/support the planning of the hockey rinks, splash park, pickle ball, tennis court, basketball court and skate park. To achieve this, we need a CRCA board that supports the mayor working with Rockyview. We need volunteers like me to help make it better.
I will support our mayor to get these visions in motion and to ensure that the lands of the CRCA are permanently protected from development. I will fight to keep the CRCA lands for recreational use only.
Richard Grier
HAUG, Kara
My name is Kara Haug and I have been a resident of Chestermere for the past 15 years and a CRCA member for almost just as long! My husband and I have 3 very active children, and as a family have benefitted from the many programs provided by or within the CRCA facility over the years – such as playschool, hockey, ringette, dance, soccer, baseball, basketball and various community events including family Christmas parties, Halloween dances and the Country Fair just to name a few! I feel the CRCA is a vital hub of the community with the goal of offering a variety of programs and activities in an inclusive manner to all community members.
In my day job (outside of being a mom!) I am a Chartered Accountant with a combined 20+ years experience in areas such as financial reporting, budgeting, risk management, business strategy, internal control & policy creation, negotiations and human resources matters. I have also been involved with various not-for-profit organizations, including serving on the CRCA Board of Directors for the past three years, and over that time helping the CRCA navigate through a variety of both exciting and challenging times.
As a resident of Chestermere and active member of the CRCA, I value the opportunity of being part of the CRCA Board which allows me to make informed decisions regarding the CRCA, acting in the best interest of its members and the community as a whole. Involvement with the CRCA Board also allows me to give back to the community as my personal experience and skillset provides, as well as collectively learn from others involved. I look forward to continuing to serve the CRCA members if re-elected to the CRCA Board.
JALEA, Elmer
ELMER JALEA comes from a diverse background both personally and professionally. His experiences range from financial, banking, management, community development and health. He built a non-profit organization and acted as the Executive Director of said foundation. He was as well-versed in creating and organizing cooperatives in marginal communities. He had taught and trained people in aspects of business and management. He has 10 years of banking experience. He has a degree in business and management (Canadian IQAS accredited) from the Philippines. He has transitioned to become a Massage Therapist in both clinical and wellness capacity. He is also currently an Educator.
Elmer and his family have lived in Chestermere for 17 years. Since coming to Canada 25 years ago, he had helped siblings and families settled all in Chestermere. He is an active part of the Filipino community in Chestermere and Calgary. He has devoted years of volunteering services for “Run for The Cure for Breast Cancer”.
Married to his lovely wife Debbie for 20 years, they have a son and a slew of doting nieces and nephews. He believes in the importance of sports and physical development for all ages. He appreciates leisure walks and the authentic, distinctive Chestermere character and wishes to be part of the continuing advocacy for sports and leisure planning for Chestermerians. Travelling, photography and writing are amongst his various interests.
Elmer wants to further expand his civic engagement, involvement and volunteerism by giving back and serving the community of Chestermere as a Board member of the CRCA.
Proud resident of Chestermere for 13 years, Krista has been an active volunteer in the community. With a young family, Krista knew the importance of getting involved in the community.
Member of the CRCA for 10 years, she has been involved in the association as a participant. Krista and Darrel played ball upon arriving in Chestermere. After starting their family, interests in the CRCA grew further. Her son Tristen attended the Community Playschool, a current long term tenant of the CRCA.
Krista and Darrel, were avid curlers in the Friday Night League for 3 years. Darrel continues to spare for the curling league. Tristen has taken an interest in the learn to curl program.
Her time is currently spent supporting the CMHA board as Division Coordinator for the past 3 years, and by also supporting her son’s team as Manager. Krista is a familiar face around the CRCA facility as like any hockey family, our first residence is the rink.
Outside of her involvement with the CRCA, Krista has volunteered for the Food Bank, Our Lady of Wisdom School, Steer Member of the New 100 Women Who Care – Chestermere, and an event volunteer most recently at the CRCA – Pinty’s.
Active in the community, their family is also found at Lakeside Golf Club in the summer where Krista’s in the Ladies League, and her son has been involved in the Junior Golf Program for the past 3 years.
As an avid user of the programming and facilities of the CRCA, Krista is aware of the continued need for programming and the facility and how it supports our community as a whole. Krista continues to be an active member in our community and looks forward to the opportunity to bring her experience and enthusiasm to the CRCA Board of Directors.
I was born in Liverpool, England and emigrated to Canada when I was 13 years old. I was
raised in Calgary and lived there with my wife and two daughters until I moved to Chestermere 7 years ago.
I received my degree in Interior Design at Mount Royal College and went on to get my
architectural technology certification. I have been in the business of residential new home
design and renovations for the last 25+ years.
I am passionate about organized sports at every level. I’ve played high-level soccer for the
Alberta Provincial Team and in the CSL for the Calgary Strikers and have won three national
championships throughout my career. I still participate in soccer, but on another level now that I coach in both of my daughter’s soccer leagues. I also coach the dryland segments for the U11 Lakers team now that my oldest daughter has moved onto hockey. I am passionate about golf and am a member of Lakeside Golf Course. To keep motivated and fit I have my pro card in the National Physique and Athletics Association where I regularly compete.
What makes me a perfect fit to be a board member is I care a great deal about the future of our community and my experience with land use bylaws in multiple municipalities including the M.D. of Rocky View County and the City of Calgary would be of benefit to our boards success. I am a great problem solver and am willing to listen and help find solutions to the many obstacles this community has. I want to help resolve what is best for the people of Chestermere and the CMHA and help aid the community that I have come to love, successfully grow in recreational sports, and help fulfill the needs of all our residents.
Maxine McKellar
My name is Maxine McKellar. I was born and raised in small town Saskatchewan and joined the military right out of high school where I served as an Aircraft Structures Technician until my retirement in 2001 when my husband, two teenage sons and I arrived in Chestermere. My family and I have made Chestermere our home for the past 20 years with my oldest son and his wife choosing Chestermere as the place to raise their three children as well! Recreational amenities in our community have always been a large part of living in Chestermere! From hockey, soccer, swimming, biking, markets, the arts, festivals, the Library, all have been a big part of our lives.
In the fall of 2001, I became president of the newly formed Chestermere Library Board and spent the next 7 years working diligently raising funds through fundraising, grant applications, and community advocacy for a Library here in Chestermere. After raising the funds to build our Library, we developed the policies and bylaws and job descriptions for the Library Board and the newly opened Library and its staff. At that time the Library Foundation was formed and eventually I held the positions of director and then Vice President, advocating, raising funds, and applying for grants for the Library.
I have served as President of the Whitecappers for my tenure and stayed on in numerous capacities (including on the bylaw and policy committee, grant application committee, nomination committee, etc.) throughout the years.
I am also currently President of the Chestermere Fine Art Guild.
With my community participation on numerous Boards, organizations, and continued use of the recreational facilities here in Chestermere, I feel I would be a benefit to the CRCA Board of Directors. With regards, Maxine McKellar
Like so many in Chestermere, I have been excited by the plans our new mayor and council have for the CRCA. I would like to be on the board of directors to help make those plans a reality. Along with many others, I believe that a pool is a “must-have”, but this is a fast-growing hockey town; Families need more hockey rinks as soon as possible. We can have the splash park, skateboard park, fieldhouse, tennis, pickleball and volleyball courts, but on a personal level I also want to see an indoor walking/running track for the safety of seniors and those with mobility issues in winter. I will support the purchase of the CRCA lands for Chestermere and make sure it has that caveat on the land title so it forever remains recreational land. As many know, I advocated vociferously for Mayor Colvin and now that his promises are being kept, I want to be a part of making the CRCA and Chestermere better. I will protect the CRCA’s and community’s best interests against those who I believe are trying to prevent this. As a journalist and owner of multiple businesses, I believe that we can do more to generate funds at the CRCA and would like to improve that in the facility without charging more to the users. I believe there have been many lost opportunities that could now be implemented. I would like the White Cappers to continue to have a home at the CRCA and find a way to make that home more affordable for them. I would like to support the businesses already in the CRCA without interference. I love Chestermere and believe that it can be even greater than it is. I will work hard for you if elected. Thank you, Sarah Nicholson
OTT, Gary
Garry Ott moved into Rockyview / Chestermere area in 1977 and has lived in this area , which since has been annexed into the City of Chestermere in 2009.
During my time in this area I have watched Chestermere grow from a summer village of 300 to a city of 22,000 residence. My children and grand children attend school in the Rockyview / Chestermere area. My daughters family are residence of Chestermere.
My work experience in the Finance and data systems has been in the Retail and Wholesale Food Industry since 1976 to 2005. As an Accountant, Business Analyst, and Controller of a Corporate Division, my interacted with Managers and Presidents in presenting financial results and projecting future financial budgets to achieve Corporate objectives for a return on investments(ROI) to enhance Shareholders equity and profitability. I also got involved in systems data base design and development at a time when micro and mini computers where becoming affordable to midsized businesses.
As a Board member for the CRCA, and my business experience, I feel can add a positive contribution to the Community of Chestermere to make this facility an asset for All residence of Chestermere.
SAINI, Amrit
Currently finishing my BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science. Previously volunteer experience coaching badminton students through the CRCA and serving in soup kitchens. Looking to bring a new perspective to the CRCA board.
As a seasoned recreation and leisure professional, Vicki has worked with non-profits and
municipalities in Alberta and Saskatchewan for the last 15 years. Passionate about coaching,
mentoring and community leadership, she is currently responsible for a dynamic camp portfolio as well as hiring and training seasonal staff with the Calgary Zoo’s conservation education department.
Vicki’s prior experience includes participation on planning committees that have identified ways to incorporate community and service providers for the betterment of all residents. She has two young boys and enjoys being outdoors boating, hiking and waterskiing whenever she can. As a 7 year resident of Chestermere, Vicki believes that the CRCA should be available to everyone in the community and she will ensure she puts the interest of the organization first
As a current CRCA board member, I am seeking re-election to continue contributing and helping the CRCA move forward. I have been on the board for 3 years and bring more than 20 years of recreation experience, which includes working in municipal recreation and relationships with recreation providers across Alberta. I have been a day camp leader, a customer service representative, technology and business process analyst and a senior business strategist.
I believe that community recreation is a vital part of Chestermere and that the CRCA plays a critical role in delivering programs and spaces to support recreation. I am keen on looking at the road ahead and engaging in discussions about our future.
I can support strategy and policy development, long-term planning, operation and program planning and leveraging learnings from other providers. I am a detailed oriented, task-driven, organized individual who looks for ways to optimize work where possible. I am a believer in leveraging the skills, knowledge and experience of the team to achieve collective results.
I am excited to actively participate and support the CRCA board when re-elected!